Ali Osman Coşkun was born in 1958. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science. In the periodicals such as Yarın, Edebiyat Dostları and Red, he published his drawings and articles. He also designed posters and illustrated books. In the early years of its foundation, he coordinated the culture and art unit of the Ankara provincial organisation of the Freedom and Solidarity Party.
In the DYO 20th Art Exhibition, his work was found “displayable”. He declared and wrote that his attendance in this exhibition was a mistake (Edebiyat Dostları, issue 32, December 1989). The selection committee of the 20th Today’s Artists Istanbul Exhibition (2000) ignored his text which expressed that he would reject any prize that would be given and which questioned the concepts like sponsor, competition and prize and asked other people to question them. In this exhibition where his work was found “displayable”, contrary to Coşkun’s claim, the selection committee did not exhibit his text and preferred silence